Christmas Blessings

Dearest daughter, What a wonderful experience it was to have you home this Christmas.  2019 was a tough year for us medically and I know that you and I both are ready to ring in the new year and be done with it.  I am so grateful that we were able to spend the holiday […]

Searching For Answers

Dearest daughter, Ever since January 2013 when I was struggling for answers to why my heart rhythm was so irregular and I kept landing in ER’s with A Fib, I have not really been the same.  I find myself wishing for the days before this medical condition when I could physically do nearly anything I […]

A New Day Is Dawning

Dear daughter of mine, Today you are performing at an outdoor venue and I wish I could be there to see you.  I want to and I know that you are aware of that.  I just can’t physically and emotionally bring myself to be around your father, his mother, his new wife and new baby boy when […]

What is Family?

“Family isn’t always blood.  It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are.  The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”  Unknown Dearest daughter, A good friend once shared this quote with me. I didn’t […]